Services for Athletic Programs
Athletic programs have long been serving our communities with opportunities to build connections, develop interest in various activities and create opportunities for kids and adolescents to explore a variety of interests. A lingering concern hovering over such an asset to communities, is the rise of mental health conditions emerging for youth athletes. At Applied Hope we aim to combat these rising numbers through inclusive and expansive education for athletes, coaches and parents so that all parts of these communities feel better prepared to address and prevent rising mental health concerns.
Trainings for all audiences
Our trainings for coaches include how to support athletes who may be struggling with mental health concerns, understand the impact of their role, learn key steps in suicide prevention, master techniques to deal with difficult behaviors and team dynamics, and identify ways to improve their own well-being and prevent burnout.
Athlete trainings aim to create a foundation of understanding on how core elements of mental health intersect with their experience as an athlete. Although enhancing performance is often a focus of attention, our aim is to help athletes learn how attending to their mental health not only enhances performance, but also sets them up for success in additional areas of their lives.
Parents & Caregivers
Often finding themselves the pillar of stability for their athletes, parents & caregivers are tasked with attempting to help balance a desire for athletic success and all other parts of their child’s life. Parent & caregiver trainings focus on how to prioritize the many competing factors in a child’s life, while protecting the parent/caregiver bond and relationship.
For some programs, the goal is to have a greater impact by getting more information to more people. Our wrap around trainings aim to do just that. We provide information about universal skills and tools that can be applied no matter your role or age. These trainings will build a shared language and commitment to a healthy and supportive culture within your program.
And all levels of competition
Collegiate and Beyond
The pressure increases and the field is narrowed in post-secondary competition. Athletes deal with several challenges in this phase of life, including potential major life transitions of moving away from home, new peer groups, potential injuries, scholarship pressure, and grappling with how sports factors into an individual’s overall identity development. The goal of our work is to build mental fitness and resilience for all athletes to help them and their teams be successful on and off the field.
Athletes and coaches will be armed with practical skills and a shared vocabulary and understanding that they can begin to use immediately to improve the overall mental fitness and resilience of their team.
High School
High school is a time of transformation as adolescents start to grow into young adults. Our trainings at this age fit with the athletes, coaches and parents within any program or sport. Trainings focus on foundational elements in all facets: brain development, sleep, nutrition, suicide prevention and setting a routine for success – all in an effort to help build strategies that can best meet athletes needs for their sport and also their life.
Youth Sports
Youth sports has exploded onto the scene over the past several years. With more children involved in youth sports it is important to focus on supporting these young athletes’ mental health as they navigate busy schedules, mounting pressures, and the ups and downs of competition.
A core component of all our trainings is connection, which is especially important at this age. Learning tools for building strong connections in everyday moments and in difficult moments is key to supporting each other and being successful on and off the field.
Most Popular Trainings
“Mental health disorders in athletes are associated with an increased risk of injury.”
“Suicides amongst U.S. college athletes doubled in two decades.”